When the Mobility Challenge began in 2014, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) was one of the first companies to participate – and since taking the challenge, the company has continued to connect employees with mobility options.
Problems on both a micro and macro scale – time wasted in traffic and air pollution – prompted AMD to take the challenge. The company has been committed to global environmental goals, including the way its employees commute, for over a decade.
“AMD joined the Mobility Challenge to participate in a scalable solution to reduce traffic congestion, commute time, and air pollution,” says Justin Murrill, AMD Global Sustainability Manager. “Doing so benefits our employees, the community, and the planet. It’s been useful to learn about new tools and best practices, several of which we have integrated into AMD’s commuter benefits package.”
Since taking the Mobility Challenge, AMD has continued to look for ways to reduce peak hour solo commutes among its employees, mostly through collaborations. The company has partnered with public and private groups, including Metropia, to help employees evaluate flex-schedule options; Capital Metro, to promote new vanpools; and Competitive Cyclist to incentivize bike commuting to work.
“It’s amazing how quickly the avoided mile and environmental benefits add up,” says Murrill. “In 2015 alone, employees from multiple AMD locations logged approximately 557,000 miles of avoided driving, which equates to about 26,000 gallons of fuel saved and 530,000 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent avoided.”
Are you an employer that is interested in benefiting your business, the community, and your employees by creating policies to support alternative commutes? Recruiting is underway right now for the Mobility Challenge class of 2017. Contact Kate Harrington to learn more about participating.